Image via Wikipedia
The agitated burglar had the gumption to burp up a stench that coordinated
bile and whiskey into an alien bouquet that put the dog to sleep immediately. She grabbed the sacred artifact from behind the dog and expediently gave it an artful frosting covering that resembled a thin vail of
marmalade on an
English muffin. Amidst the mesmerizing faux pattern she embedded the microdrive containing the testimonial of the sodding traitor. The bloke proclaims "The impurity of the bureau's new parchment supply can only be justly complimented by an inkwell of
phlegm!" The
free world was counting on a phrase more relevant to the current political dilemma, but after years of misleading speculation their hope dissolved in an bathtub of acidic bllsht. I guess voodoo can only bring one exhumed wooley mammoth mummy back to life per full moon.
Better luck next time suckers!
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